To many of us, incandescent lighting is the most pleasing of all artificial light sources. The source of light in an incandescent bulb is the tungsten filament, which glows red- or white-hot as electrical current travels through it.
Because the filament in an incandescent bulb is in a vacuum, it does not burst into flames but remains very closely akin to fire. This results in a light shifted toward the red spectrum, that irresistible incandescent "glow" that is so flattering to the human complexion.
As an incandescent light is dimmed, the shift toward the red becomes more pronounced, warmer. When dimmed, an incandescent bulb uses less power, proportionate to the amount dimmed. A big plus is that dimming extends the life of an incandescent bulb quite dramatically.
A wise and clever strategy for using incandescent lighting is to never use incandescent bulbs at full brilliance (except for exceptional and brief needs for maximum illumination). Over-light all areas to be lit by incandescent bulbs, ensure all incandescent bulbs are on dimmable light sources and, upon turning on, immediately dim (ie, back off the power to) the lights.
Using this strategy, I have incandescent light sources that I use for hours on a daily basis which have bulbs that last for five years and longer.